By José Alberto Hermosillo
It is a profoundly moving, cohesive, inspirational, and transcendental work. “In Viaggio: The Travels of Pope Francis is a recompilation of the Holy Father’s global trips during the past nine years of his Pontificate to connect with people and groups marginalized by society and at the center of political turmoil, natural disasters, poverty, war, migration, and many other human catastrophes.
Regardless of our religion, we must recognize Pope Francis’s efforts to reach the vulnerable, build bridges, and reconcile with other religions, faiths, and world leaders. With honesty, His Holiness asks everyone, “What would humanity do without faith?”
Pope Francis is one of the most progressive popes in history. As a leader of the Catholic Church states, “Never think that your struggles down here are completely useless. And above all, hold on to your dreams. Do not be afraid to dream of a world that cannot be seen yet but will certainly come.”
The documentary opens with a powerful “narrative hook” of a communication tower in Italy exchanging SOS messages with African and Middle Eastern immigrants who were traveling on a precarious boat in the middle of the night in the Mediterranean Sea. The tragedy took a toll of 250 lives. Addressing those critical issues, the Pope begins his pilgrimage around the world.
Lampedusa, 2013
Pope Francis prays for the immigrants who found death instead of finding hope and asks parishioners, “Who cries for those lives lost? We are a society that has forgotten how to weep.”
Brazil, 2013
Upon His Holiness’s arrival in the South American Country, on his pathway from the airport to the city, people in poverty and the army were on the streets. At a radio station, the Pope reached out to the masses. Then, at the favelas, he encountered the people in need inside their tiny houses. In clear Portuguese, he told them, “You’re not alone.” More importantly, he emphasizes creating a culture of solidarity.
Wildfires’ destruction of the Amazon was another catastrophe besides poverty, happening simultaneously.
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IN VIAGGIO: THE TRAVELS OF POPE FRANCIS, a Magnolia Pictures release. ©Archivo Vatican Media. Photo courtesy of Magnolia Pictures. |
Cuba, 2013
From Revolution Square to La Habana Vieja, the Pope, at the cathedral, tells the youth in Spanish, “Open up to the capability of dreaming, and if you do your best, the world will be different.”
USA, 2015
From the White House to addresses to the US Congress in precise English, phrasing Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr., Pope Francis refers to the capacity of dialogue and how money can help others. His speech focuses on climate change, immigration, and poverty.
Then, the Pope calls for time for reflection and mentions that all the responsible people involved in the sexual abuse of minors by the priests and their families would be held accountable.
Chile, 2018
At the women’s jail, His Holiness refers to their lost dreams and hopes by adding, “Dignity doesn’t touch. No one can be deprived of grace and Dignity because it generates unworthiness of the human spirit.”
It is essential to mention that Chile is a highly educated country where a high percentage of its population graduated from college. So, they went out to the streets to protest against the Pope’s visit and for not addressing the acts of rape by church members appropriately. Neglectfully, the Pope said he needed proof of the abuses. Later, back in Rome, Pope Francis admitted he was wrong.
Philippines, 2015
When Pope Francis decided to travel, it was to listen to the people. Listening makes him feel good, and it helps him make decisions. The decision comes from within, like a ripe fruit, and is a long process. That is why he decided to meet silently with the people of “The Pearl of the Orient Seas.”
Central Africa Republic, 2015
On his tour to Africa, His Holiness asks to stop the violence, vengeance, and hate in the name of religion. In this republic, 50 percent are Protestant, Christian, and Catholic, 35 percent belong to indigenous beliefs, and 15 percent identify as Muslim.
Kenya, 2015
Pope Francis claims that refugees and migration are due to environmental degradation. Therefore, “Many lives are lost, and we have no right to let the migrants die in the middle of nowhere,” he said.
Israel, 2014
At the Wailing Wall and the memorial of the Shoah, the Pope prayed for the victims of the Holocaust.
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IN VIAGGIO: THE TRAVELS OF POPE FRANCIS, a Magnolia Pictures release. ©Archivo Vatican Media. Photo courtesy of Magnolia Pictures. |
Palestine, 2014
He prays for peace at the border wall with Israel. Then, the Pope meets with the Orthodox leaders at the Holy Sepulcher in one of the most transcendental actions of his Pontificate.
Cuba, 2016
The historic meeting with the Russian Orthodox leader ended one thousand years of war between the Catholic and Orthodox churches.
Mexico, 2016
At the border town of Ciudad Juárez (where hundreds of women disappeared and were killed near the maquiladoras, also known as “Las Muertas of Juárez”), His Holiness went to the women’s prison and comforted those in need of hope. At that place, the Pope said, “Our biggest worries should be the people’s lives. The insecurity problem is solved by going to the roots of the problem, not incarcerating people.” Then, he went to the border wall to pray for the immigrants and the humanitarian crisis as a global phenomenon.
Armenia, 2016
The celebration of the centenary of the Metz Yeghérn/The Great Evil and the tragedy of the genocide in Armenia. The Pope’s recognition created a diplomatic difference between the Vatican and Turkey.
Later, the Pope cleverly clarified that in his predecessor’s notes, Pope Benedict XVI, it was the recognition of one genocide. Still, he rectifies himself by affirming that the Turks had committed those crimes against humanity three times.
United Arab Emirates, 2019
World peace is fundamental because war creates poverty.
Madagascar, 2019
In an elementary school in French and Italian, Pope Francis addresses the subject of child labor to more than 8,000 children and the authorities by saying, “Poverty is not inevitable.”
Japan, 2019
Footage of the atomic explosion and the thousands of children affected were combined in a montage. Pope Francis says, “The possession of nuclear weapons is immoral.’ He quotes Saint Francis of Assisi:
“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.”
Canada, 2022
In an introductory meeting with the native survivors, the Pope prayed for the lives lost at the Canadian residential school and the suffering of thousands of children taken away from their parents. They were abused and killed. Pope Francis asked for forgiveness for the cultural devastation of the indigenous tribes in the name of Jesus on the continent.
Vatican City, 2020
In one of the most challenging moments of his administration due to the COVID-19 deaths in Italy, Europe, and the entire world. On an empty Saint Pietro square, Pope Francis prayed alone for the end of the pandemic, the wars, and injustice.
Space Station, 2020
The crew of the International Space Station felt honored to talk live with the Holy Father about the advantages of working together without borders and creating a peaceful environment for a better future.
(Fifteen months after the pandemic, flights resumed).
Iraq, 2022
In front of the country’s leaders and people, the Pope urges Iraq to end military violence and religious strife.
Malta, 2022
On his most recent trip to the Mediterranean Island, his first trip as Pope, His Holiness said, “Since the day I visited Lampedusa, I have not forgotten you.” He continued, “You are always in my prayers,” and finalized, “Every war is born from an injustice,” referring to the Ukrainian war.
In his Pontificate, Pope Francis made 37 trips to 59 countries.
The Award-winning Italian documentarian Gianfranco Rosi (“Notturno,” “Fire at Sea”) accumulated over 800 hours of material condensed to eighty minutes in a stunning documentary on the Pontiff’s spiritual journey.
In the documentary “In Viaggio: The Travels of Pope Francis,” the Italian filmmaker shows a pilgrim Pope in a “movement” who confronts the most significant problems and brings comfort and unity to those in need anywhere in the world.
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Gianfranco Rosi and film critic José Alberto Hermosillo. FestivalinLA ©2023 |
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